Is it time to change sports uniforms?– Coast 2 Coast Sports Ireland

Is it time to change sports uniforms?

  • by Jane Victoria
Is it time to change sports uniforms?

Victoria University recently released the findings of a new study that aims to examine the role of sports uniforms in boosting the confidence of adolescent girls to participate in sport and physical activity. The research focussed on 12 to 18-year old girls mostly living in metropolitan, regional, rural areas throughout Australia.

The study provided valuable information on what aspects of sports uniforms the young participants want and how it can help them feel perform at their best without worrying too much about their body image.

Here are the highlights of the report:

  • Girls want sport uniforms that are functional and comfortable to wear rather than fashionable

  • Uniforms should be made from appropriate materials with these 3 main features: absorbs sweat, stretchy and dark coloured

  • Clothing should fit them well and not make them feel uncomfortable or over-exposed

  • No unisex designs because girls and boys have different body types

  • Girls want a range of sport uniform options - not a one type fits all approach

The results are in!

As a sportswear supplier, we felt that this topic is critical in what we do and how we can help promote uniform diversity in the future. We asked our social media followers who are mostly members, players and supporters of team sports about their opinions. And here are the results!

The majority of them still want to keep the standard skirt and dress over shorts and T-shirt. Whilst 13% said maybe it’s time to give more options for players to wear.

Victoria University National Study on Sports Uniforms

*Note: This is not an official survey and only intends to get insights from our online followers about the topic. Furthermore, the poll results do not reflect the views and opinions of C2C.

Their comments also showed their various perspectives about this topic. For instance, some followers from the netball community mentioned they still prefer wearing team netball dress for their games and if there is anything that needs to be changed it should be the length or size of it for those players who are not too comfortable about it. Whilst others mentioned that it is time to give more options.

Here are more of their comments on our Facebook page.

Is it time to change sports uniforms- National Study by Victoria University

A Call for Uniform Diversity on the Rise

Few months ago, part of the findings found in Netball Australia 2020 State of the Game review also showed how the standard dress uniform was turning some players away.

Although Netball Australia reiterated that no blanket changes will be implemented anytime soon whether it be on uniforms and other aspects of the report as it still needs to be discussed first with stakeholders and state bodies, this topic also raised various opinions in the netball community online.

(To view the full report from Victoria University click here)

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